Click on the link below to view ukip NI chairman Henry Reilly letter in the ulster star .
David McNarry MLA UKIP Leader NI Assembly News Release contact 02897 510 705
25 April 2013
UKIP MLA David McNarry puts questions direct to Minister Danny Kennedy on Translink cash “reserves”
David McNarry has said that for months he had been probing into Translink/Ni Transport Holding Company’s operations, assets, structures and accountancy procedures. This was brought about, he explained, because Translink were continually telling the DRD Committee at Stormont that they were facing a £17 million loss and that, to cover this, job losses, fare increases and a reduction in services would result.
David McNarry said : “Imagine my surprise at the most recent meeting of the DRD Committee, the CEO of Translink informed us that her company were putting £5.8 million into assisting with operating costs and with other efficiencies. The projected £17 million loss was no longer an issue. This £5.8 million, she told us, came from company reserves.”
In light of this astounding revelation I have put the following questions today to the DRD Minister, Danny Kennedy :
(1) To ask the Minister of Regional Development to detail the full extent of cash reserves currently held by Translink/NI Transport Holding Co.?

(2) To ask the Minister to confirm his approval of Translink/Ni Transport Holding Co holding such large cash reserves enabling it to inject £5.8 million into its operational account.

(3) To ask the Minister if he will be reviewing further sums of public money going toward Translink’s operational costs in light of the company holding substantial cash reserves ?

(4) To ask the Minister to give details of the investment portfolio which Translink/NI Transport Holding Co. is guaranteed by the profits it has made over the past 5 years.
David McNarry MLA UKIP Leader NI Assembly
​Date: 24 April 13
Platform piece
Many people rightly wonder today why is it that the DUP have easily rolled over under republican pressure by consenting to a terrorist shrine at the Maze development site. The retaining of the hunger strike block was demanded and subsequently conceded why? Some suspect that it is part and parcel of the set-up under which the DUP/Sinn Fein operate joint authority.
The pro-quid quo deal system of give and take is their agreed formula in the Executive. Once they agree they then bind in the SDLP, UUP and Alliance Minister’s in order to represent a five party coalition consensus. The two dominant parties always successfully secure their point.
I was a supporter of a National Sports Stadium but not on the same site as the Shrine. The stadium was shelved but republicans stood firm on the Shrine, now they have it.
In respect of the latest deal on the Maze Shrine it seems more take than give in favour of what Sinn Fein want. It being suggested that the DUP had rolled over on the shrine in order to squeeze a deal on changes from Sinn Fein within the ESA (Education and Skills Authority) Bill and secure cover for Grammar Schools. I think not! There are no signs of John O’Dowd relenting in his pursuit of establishing ESA exactly as he desires it to be and absolutely no concessions by him on the risk he poses to Grammar Schools.
So what is the joint agenda of the DUP/SF controlled Executive? Would the DUPs refusal to back the shrine at the Maze have resulted in a massive fall out with Sinn Fein? I think not! The two have become soul mates, needing each other to survive and continue the charade of Executive Government in their style.
Three Unionist parties excluding the DUP have in circulation a petition against the siting of a terrorist shrine at the Maze development park.
UKIP have lent their support and endorsement of the petition simply as a matter of principal. It is wrong for the DUP/Sinn Fein led Executive to build this shrine. No right thinking person has put forward an argument demonstrating that it is right. This is not only UKIPs view it is the view shared by many irrespective of their party political persuasion. It is time now for the DUP to step back from committing a grave mistake. Reprehensibly they will not publically say or do what many of their disgusted members say in private. That is why as a tool for expressing public resentment the petition is recommended to all right thinking people.
The widespread local societal repercussions will be immensely felt and pose serious questions for the future improved community relations, we are all anxious to embrace.
Yours etc.
David McNarry MLA UKIP Stormont​
NORTHERN Ireland is ready for a voluntary coalition with an Opposition, UKIP MLA David McNarry has argued.
The Strangford MLA said the current set-up at Stormont has “served its purpose and passed its sell-by date”.
“Fifteen years after the Good Friday Agreement the five-party coalition finds itself disconnected from the electorate and dysfunctional in terms of realising public expectations,” he said.
“The public expect more than Stormont is delivering today.
“UKIP believe the bulk of public opinion share in the view that with 2015 Assembly election in mind the electorate are ready to vote in a voluntary coalition and put an end to this current cosy five-party sham. UKIP also believe that our democracy will be better served and the country better run with a proper Opposition squaring up to a voluntary coalition.
“Will they dare risk a voluntary coalition faced by an Opposition. How long do we have to wait for an answer.”
David McNarry MLA UKIP Leader NI Assembly News Release
15 April 2013
McNarry criticises Assembly Procedures Report which will prevent topical questions being answered for five days
David McNarry MLA, UKIP Assembly Leader has said :
“I was surprised when the Procedures Committee brought in a report which proposed that a question on a topical issue would have to be submitted on the previous Wednesday for answer by the relevant Minister on the following Monday and on Thursday for answer on the following Tuesday. How can this possibly be construed as being “topical” in a world of 24 hour news coverage?”
“This gap of five days is totally out of tune with the modern world of news media. If a question is laid down on a Wednesday the news – and public interest - will have moved on by the following Monday. The lack of immediacy in this arrangement may suit civil servants and Ministers but it is not in tune with the level of accountability which the public has a right to expect in the modern world.”
“In my view questions should have to be submitted on Friday for answer on the following Monday or on Monday for answer on the following Tuesday. That is far more in tune with the modern world, with modern levels of accountability, with the modern media who inform the public and with 24 hour news coverage. This cosy five day arrangement which is proposed and presented in the report as three working days, is more in tune with the era of Gladstone and Disraeli than it is with the modern world.”
“The other arrangements in the report are, to my mind, perfectly acceptable in terms of how and when such topical questions are taken and the balloting arrangements associated with them. This issue of topicality with effective five days notice will, however, in my view, make the Assembly a laughing stock.”
“There is one other issue I must mention in passing when speaking in this context. There is no proper representation of the smaller parties and independents in the management of the business of this house, through the Business Committee. This lack of proper representation is also reflected in the membership of the Procedures Committee which produced this report. I know that the Procedures Committee may have consulted widely but consultation is one thing and having representation from the smaller parties there is another. I would also like to point out that there was no consultation with the press or media which I think would have been most relevant in this situation.”
“I note that in the Quebec National Assembly questions do not require notice and I would venture to suggest that that should be the procedure here. Quite frankly, if the Minister were on top of his or her brief, then that should pose no problems or should it pose problems for the civil servants advising the Minister. I would recommend that the Assembly rejects this three working day deadline for submission of Questions and revises this to one working day – that is Friday for answer on the Monday and Monday for answer on the Tuesday.”
Listen here to UKIP south Belfast first audioboo.
UKIP party leader nigel farage spring conference speech 2013
Please sign and share this petition to delist and demolish the buildings st the maze prison .
Please sign and share this petition , on no more bailouts to the euro.
Please sign and share this petition calling on the government to give us an referendum on the eu.